
电梯 SU横幅

包容的卓越 Action Plan for Racial Equity 和 Antiracism 

L倾听和学习    I通过有意的行动产生影响   F病痛向前    Transform一起

电梯 SU was developed to enact 和 realize Goal 4 in 网投网站信誉排行榜's Strategic Plan, 重燃战略方向促进包容性卓越. 

The Office for Diversity 和 Direction created 电梯 SU to take strategic action to address systemic racism 和 enhance equitable practices throughout 网投网站信誉排行榜. 的五个优先领域 电梯 苏:

  1. Recruitment 和 保留BIPOC学生  
  2. Bias Prevention 和 Campus Climate Care 
  3. Recruitment 和 保留BIPOC教员 和 工作人员  
  4. Narrative Through Art 和 Symbols  
  5. Build Capacity 和 Invest in Infrastructure

Working groups were formed to facilitate the work on this action plan. Re搜索 on high-impact practices 和 extensive coordination 和 discussion, along with input from campus members, informed the recommendations of each working group.

