

我们2022- 2024年的两年主题是 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》.“ At this moment in history we are mindful that our world 和 our communities are impacted by wars, 暴力, 敌意和焦虑. These community 和 global challenges affect us 和 lead us away from our call as Christians 和 people of goodwill to respond to 暴力 和 hatred in love as Scripture 和 Sacred texts teaches.

今年主题的进一步灵感来自于 大会第36届,法令1 -“修和与正义使命的同伴”.,见“与和解者基督一同传道”一节,” we are called to share God’s work of reconciliation in our broken world. T在这里 is an urgency to the three dimensions of this ministry of reconciliation, 即, 与神和好,与人和好,与受造界和好.

这种和解始终是一种正义的工作, a justice discerned 和 enacted in local communities 和 contexts (paragraph 21). 另外, educational apostolates 和 centers for communication 和 social re搜索, 例如国际反恐委员会, 应该帮助形成致力于和解的人吗, 面对和解的障碍, 提出解决方案, 和 to help in the transformation of our cultures 和 societies (paragraph 34).

绿色背景的活动宣传单. Fr图片. 詹姆斯·马丁在右边. 右侧和下方显示该信誉最好的网投十大平台的相关信息. 下面的文本中也有相同的信息

Jesus 和 the Peripheries: What do the Gospel stories of Jesus reaching out to those on the margins say about reconciliation?

Fr. 詹姆斯·马丁,SJ

耶稣会牧师,作家,自由编辑 美国杂志

5月8日星期一太平洋标准时间下午4:30 Zoom


牧师. 詹姆斯·马丁,S.J., is a Jesuit priest, author 和 Editor at Large at America, the national Catholic magazine.

他最近的一本书的书名是 Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church 和 the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, 同情, 和敏感 (HarperOne). He is a frequent commentator in the media about issues of religion 和 spirituality 和 is known for his appearances on 科尔伯特报告 以及他在社交媒体上的强势表现.

马丁神父是几本获奖书籍的作者. Between Heaven 和 Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, 和 Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life, (HarperOne, 2011), was named as one of “Best Books” of 2011 by Publishers Weekly.  马丁神父还著有: 耶稣会(几乎)一切指南:现实生活的灵性我与圣徒的生活, 最后的七句话; 威斯敏斯特大教堂; 耶稣:朝圣之旅; 一起静修:在祷告中与耶稣相遇 Becoming Who You Are: Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton 和 Other Saints; 在归零地寻找上帝; In Good Company: The Fast Track from the Corporate World to Poverty, Chastity, 和 Obedience; 和 这是我们的流亡:与东非难民的精神之旅.

除了天主教刊物上的文章,比如 美国,公益,美国.S. 天主教,天主教文摘和(伦敦)平板, 马丁神父为其他地方写过书, 《信誉最好的网投十大平台》, 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》, 波士顿环球报, 芝加哥论坛报, 费城问询报, O杂志 以及其他报纸和网站,包括 板岩.网站、《网投网站信誉排行榜》和《信誉最好的网投十大平台》  《信誉最好的网投十大平台》 网站. He has commented on religion 和 spirituality in the national 和 international media, 他出现在所有主要的广播和电视网络上, 在国家公共广播电台等各种场合 NPR“周末版”“与特里·格罗斯一起呼吸新鲜空气”  “考虑到所有因素,美国公共电视台的《网投网站信誉排行榜》,” Comedy Central’s “科尔伯特报告” 和 Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” 以及ABC, 美国全国广播公司, 哥伦比亚广播公司, 美国有线电视新闻网, 微软全国有线广播电视公司, 美国公共电视台, 历史频道, 英国广播公司(BBC), 美国之音和梵蒂冈广播. Father Martin maintains an active presence on his public Facebook page 和 also on Twitter.

除了他的社论, 出版媒体工作, Father Martin has been invited by Catholic dioceses 和 archdioceses to address gatherings of clergy 和 laity, 在全国各地的学院和大学做过演讲吗, 曾在波士顿学院的暑期学院任教, 并在静修院主持研讨会和静修. 每到星期天,他都会到圣. 依纳爵·洛约拉在纽约.

活动的传单. 蓝黑底与CHL的标志和Fr. Bryan Massingale的摄影. 传单上的信息与图示相同.


Fr. Bryan Massingale,性病,福特汉姆大学

2023年2月9日,星期四. 4pm

学生中心的Le Roux房间

The rise of white Christian nationalism poses an intersectional threat to the well-being of the Black 和 LGBTQ communities, 以及民主本身.  受到教皇方济各思想的启发, this presentation outlines the conversion process needed by both individuals 和 society for authentic racial justice 和 reconciliation.

布莱恩·N. Massingale is the James 和 Nancy Buckman Professor of Theological 和 Social Ethics, as well as the Senior Ethics Fellow in Fordham’s Center for Ethics Education. Professor Massingale is a leader in the field of theological ethics 和 is an expert in Catholic Moral Theology, 天主教社会思想, 非裔美国人宗教伦理, 种族平等, 解放神学, 种族与性别. His current re搜索 projects explore the contribution of Black religious radicalism to Catholic theology; the notion of "cultural sin" 和 its challenge to Catholic theological ethics; 和 the intersections of race 和 sexuality in both social life 和 Catholicism. He is a past Convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium 和 a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America.  除了他的学术追求, Professor Massingale strives to be a scholar-activist through serving faith-based groups advancing justice in society.  他在社会和种族正义问题上是一位著名的权威, having addressed numerous national Catholic conferences 和 lectured at colleges 和 universities across the nation. Read Professor Massingale’s complete biography 和 select list of publications 在这里.

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Dr. 彼得•潘


  • 公众招待会:下午4点,ADAL罗尔夫厅
  • 讲座:下午5点,ADAL罗尔夫厅

讲座分析了天主教会目前面临的三大挑战, 尤其是在美国, 对三重和解的任务, 即, 与创建, 与人类, 与神同在, 并讨论促进这种和解的各种方法. 对于第一个挑战,人们提到了教皇方济各 Laudato Si”; for the second, to his 全片合唱第三个是给他的 Evangelii Gaudium.

彼得·C. 潘是越南人,以难民身份移民到美国. in 1975. 他获得了三个博士学位, 圣母大学的圣神学博士, 罗马, 和 the Doctor of Philosophy 和 the Doctor of Divinity from the University of London. He was also awarded the honorary Doctor of Theology from Chicago Theological Union 和 the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the College of Our Lady of the Elms. He began his teaching career in philosophy at the age of eighteen at Don Bosco College, Hong Kong. 在美国, he has taught at several universities 和 now is at Georgetown University, 华盛顿, DC, w在这里 he is currently holding the Ignacio Ellacuría Chair of 天主教社会思想. He is the first non-Anglo to be elected President of the Catholic Theological Society of America. 2010年,他被授予约翰·考特尼·默里奖, 美国天主教神学协会的最高荣誉. 他的著作广泛涉及神学领域. They deal with the theology of icon in Orthodox theology; patristic theology; eschatology; the history of mission in Asia 和 liberation, 礼仪, 和各宗教间的. 读博士. 潘的详细资料在这里.


我们很激动地宣布 天主教传统讲座 会被重新命名为 帕特里克·豪厄尔,S.J. 天主教历史系列. This is made possible thanks to the generosity of Timmie Hollomon; this gift will underwrite the 帕特里克·豪厄尔,S.J. 天主教历史系列 在未来的岁月里. Fr. 帕特豪厄尔, 谁去年十一月去世了, 是天主教思想与文化研究所的创始人之一. 灵感来自梵蒂冈二世的愿景, he was passionate about bringing the Catholic intellectual tradition to life. 用他自己的话来说, “the ICTC’s 天主教传统讲座 are committed to providing spaces 和 conversations w在这里 these deeper, soul-搜索ing examinations can occur - with the hope that they open up the ancient places, 灵魂的基础, 以及越来越接近真相的喜悦.”