Degree Offered

BA, Minor

The Japanese Program provides students with a foundation to understand the Japanese language, society, and people. It consists of two years of language courses and a one quarter culture program. The program is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to meet the social and global demands of the 21st century.

Program Summary

Career Readiness/Skills Inventory

Being “career-ready” means that you’ve developed a range of skills that you can transfer to different settings once you graduate. At Seattle U, we take your career readiness seriously, so we’ve created an inventory and program-level map for you to help you see what skills you’re likely to practice in your major or, as in this case, as you study your first year of a language.

Learn more and find your program map here.

Formal application through the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures is required

Contact Us

Noelle Hardman
Administrative Assistant

Sonia Barrios Tinoco


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