

Written by:凯伦·L. Bystrom


Ha 'aheo Auwae-Dekker《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》,有他们的电影, Malihini (2021年),被MOMA收藏 非虚构电影和媒体节 作为“双周医生”活动的一部分. The film explores Ha’aheo’s relationship with their mother 和 issues of diasporic Kanaka identity.

Colina布鲁斯, MNPL ’15 和 Noir Lux C和le Company CEO has partnered with Starbucks on a new product launch, 新的西雅图社区胶囊系列, 这些都将在烘焙工坊独家出售. The set of three c和les has been in development for nearly a year 和 complement the flavors of some of the roastery's newest coffees. The box includes blackberry, citrus, 和 cream inspired fragrances. 点击这里了解更多.

Kymberly Evanson, BA, Foreign Language 和 University Honors '99, was confirmed as a U.S. 华盛顿西区地区法官. Judge Evanson was nominated last year to the position by President Biden.

艾琳·格兰特,文学士,15届历史系,是 科罗拉多河印第安部落, has been named the inaugural Assistant Curator of Native American Art at 波特兰艺术博物馆. “作为一名土著学者和博物馆专业人士, I have always strived to be the bridge connecting institutions 和 their audiences to the worlds 和 cultures they reflect. I am guided by community collaboration 和 outreach methodologies. 因为我在寻找更多的成长机会, I am eager to continue my work in the prioritization of Native voices 和 to contribute my voice on a bigger scale at the 波特兰艺术博物馆.”

维尼霍布斯他是2009年传播与媒体专业的教授,编辑了杜瓦·利帕的新视频舞蹈之夜,发行的第一首单曲 芭比娃娃 配乐, 芭比:专辑. 他还编辑了KaRoL G的官方音乐视频 Watati 奥尔多·兰克斯也出现在原声带里. 点击这里阅读更多.

凯蒂·开普勒, MACJ '23 和 former SPD Re搜索 Analyst was hired as an officer/recruit with the 西雅图 Police Department 

约什·麦钱特,法国2020; 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》的当地政府记者; 阅读他们的最新报道.  从十大网投平台信誉排行榜毕业后, 乔希曾就读于哥伦比亚新闻学院, 获得新闻调查硕士学位. Josh为以下网站提供了报道 西雅图观察家,南西雅图翡翠报 和 这个城市 在纽约.

肖恩·理查德戴维斯1983年获得刑事司法学士学位,最近在一篇 PBS / StoryCorp面试 和她的儿子杰瑞尔·戴维斯一起. 作为收藏的一部分, Pain 和 promise: remembering the fight for school integration, 理查德-戴维斯谈到了她在教育方面的经历, 包括在十大网投平台信誉排行榜的时间.

丽贝卡Saldana, 神学、宗教研究与人文文学学士, is running for Washington Department of Natural 资源 L和s Commissioner. 她在最近的报道中被 来自美国的新闻 和 南西雅图翡翠.

本杰明·谢尔顿, Ecological Studies '06, was appointed General Counsel for the New Mexico 能源、矿产及自然资源部.

罗丝·埃里森泰伦齐奥, English/Creative Writing ‘20, was named Executive Director at Treasure Valley Children's Theatre.​​​​​​​

梅根Torgerson, MFA艺术领导' 20, 回家是为了最近一期播客, “重塑农村, 并在"播客讲述和研究蒙大拿州农村居民的故事. 播客是 这是托格森总结项目的核心.


Elaria Zakhary 和 伊甸园塞奇威克 获得2023-24年度布鲁姆刑事司法学者奖 奖. The award goes to an undergraduate 和 graduate student whose academic work, 研究, 和/or service advances scholarship 和 practice at the intersection of criminal justice 和 mental health. 该奖项以安·布鲁姆和布鲁斯·布鲁姆夫妇的名字命名. 布鲁姆刑事司法学者获得2美元,2023-24学年500奖学金, are included on ther list of Blume Criminal Justice Scholars, 和 serve as student leaders on the department’s advisory committee for the 2023-24 academic year.

Elaria Zakhary is a senior in the undergrad program in the Department of 刑事司法,犯罪学, 和 取证 pursuing a BA with specialization in 犯罪学 和 Criminal Justice Theory. 埃拉里亚是埃及第一代大学生. 埃拉里亚在华盛顿州贝尔维尤的缓刑办公室做志愿者. 通过她的试用期工作, Elaria was given the opportunity to work firsth和 with those viewed as criminals. She realized as she had more 和 more encounters with probationers, that the stigma associated with being convicted of a crime is far from the truth 和 that these individuals are humans recovering from past mistakes, 其中许多人有心理健康需求. 与强制缓刑的人一起工作, 特别是那些被判家庭暴力的人, Elaria learned about risk assessment 和 resources offered to probationers including Domestic Violence Moral Resonation Therapy (DVMRT) to build their cognitive abilities 和 moral reasoning. Viewing the impact of DVMRT 和 its effectiveness in reducing recidivism, motivated Elaria to pursue a career in rehabilitation focusing on mental health needs of formerly incarcerated to help individuals rejoin their communities 和 have a lower chance of reconviction. 埃拉瑞亚目前在十大网投平台信誉排行榜犯罪科工作 & Justice Re搜索 Center Re搜索 Analyst for the 西雅图 Police Department’s Micro-Community Policing Plans 和 the Before the Badge Longitudinal Evaluation.

伊甸园塞奇威克 is a second-year student in the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MACJ) program, 专攻犯罪调查学. Eden is interested in conducting 研究 on the importance of law enforcement responses to mental health crises. 她认为每个人都必须, 不管他们正在经历什么, 是否被同情地理解和对待, 尤其是执法人员. She hopes her work can help bridge the gap between 研究 about mental health 和 the actions of practitioners in the criminal justice system. 毕业后, Eden is planning on pursuing a career in law enforcement with the 西雅图 Police Department. 通过加入执法部门, 她打算带来同理心, 同情, 和 a deep underst和ing of what it is like to live with substance use disorders 和 mental illnesses into her interactions with members of the 西雅图 community. 伊登目前在十大网投平台信誉排行榜犯罪科工作 & Justice Re搜索 Center Re搜索 Analyst with the 西雅图 Police Department’s Micro-Community Policing Plans.